The Difference Between Hard and Soft Intensification

Andrew Mackie • Aug 22, 2023

LIVEHERE Real Estate's Realtor® Andrew Mackie describes the difference between hard and soft intensification as it relates to the City of Guelph's planning and zoning as noted in Bill 23.

Hard Intensification:

  1. Hard intensification refers to a planning and zoning approach that focuses on maximizing the use of land within existing urban areas by allowing for substantial increases in building heights and densities. The key characteristics of hard intensification include:

a. High-Rise Development: Hard intensification often involves the construction of tall buildings, including high-rise residential and commercial structures. These buildings are typically designed to accommodate a large number of people or businesses on a relatively small land footprint.

b. Increased Building Density: Hard intensification promotes higher building densities, allowing for more units or floor space within a given area. This can involve a mix of residential, commercial, and industrial developments.

c. Infrastructure Expansion: To support the increased population density resulting from hard intensification, infrastructure improvements are often necessary. This can include the expansion of transportation networks, utilities, and other public amenities.

d. Mixed-Use Developments: Hard intensification may encourage the development of mixed-use areas, where residential, commercial, and recreational spaces coexist within a concentrated urban environment. This promotes walkability and reduces the need for long commutes.

Soft Intensification:

  1. Soft intensification, on the other hand, takes a more incremental and subtle approach to accommodating growth and increasing urban density. It focuses on making efficient use of existing infrastructure and spaces while preserving the character of neighborhoods. The main features of soft intensification include:

a. Infill Development: Soft intensification prioritizes infill development, which involves utilizing vacant or underutilized spaces within existing urban areas. This can include building smaller residential units or repurposing existing buildings.

b. Adaptive Reuse: Soft intensification promotes the adaptive reuse of older buildings, such as converting industrial structures into residential lofts or repurposing heritage buildings for commercial or cultural purposes. This preserves the architectural heritage while accommodating growth.

c. Neighborhood-Scale Planning: Soft intensification often emphasizes planning at the neighborhood scale. It focuses on maintaining the scale, character, and identity of individual neighborhoods while allowing for incremental growth and increased density.

d. Public Spaces and Green Infrastructure: Soft intensification recognizes the importance of public spaces, parks, and green infrastructure. It aims to enhance these elements within urban areas to provide recreational opportunities, improve air quality, and promote the well-being of residents.

The choice between hard and soft intensification depends on various factors, including local context, community preferences, and the availability of land. In some cases, a combination of both approaches may be employed, with hard intensification in certain areas and soft intensification in others, to achieve a balanced and sustainable urban environment.

why is intensification important in sustainable development

Intensification is important in sustainable development for several reasons:

  1. Efficient Land Use: Intensification allows for the efficient use of land within existing urban areas. By increasing the density of development, it reduces urban sprawl and the need to convert undeveloped or agricultural land on the outskirts of cities. This helps preserve natural habitats, farmland, and open spaces.
  2. Reduced Environmental Impact: Intensification can help reduce the environmental impact of urban areas. By concentrating development, it promotes shorter commuting distances and encourages the use of public transportation, walking, and cycling. This reduces greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, and the consumption of fossil fuels.
  3. Infrastructure Optimization: Intensification makes better use of existing infrastructure, such as transportation networks, water supply systems, and utilities. Instead of expanding infrastructure into undeveloped areas, intensification maximizes the utilization of already built infrastructure, leading to cost savings and reduced resource consumption.
  4. Preservation of Rural Areas: By accommodating population growth within existing urban areas, intensification helps protect rural areas from being developed for housing or commercial purposes. Preserving rural areas is crucial for maintaining biodiversity, supporting agriculture, and preserving natural ecosystems.
  5. Social and Economic Vibrancy: Intensification can contribute to the creation of vibrant and livable urban environments. Concentrated development often leads to increased economic activity, job opportunities, and access to amenities and services. It promotes walkability, social interactions, and a sense of community.
  6. Efficient Resource Allocation: Intensification allows for the efficient allocation of resources, such as water, energy, and waste management systems. By concentrating the population and infrastructure, it becomes easier to implement sustainable practices, optimize resource usage, and implement innovative solutions for resource management.
  7. Revitalization of Existing Areas: Intensification provides an opportunity for the revitalization and rejuvenation of underutilized or declining areas within cities. By encouraging infill development and adaptive reuse of existing buildings, it can breathe new life into neighborhoods, preserve cultural heritage, and promote economic revitalization.

Overall, intensification plays a crucial role in sustainable development by promoting efficient land use, reducing environmental impact, optimizing infrastructure, preserving rural areas, fostering social and economic vibrancy, and enabling the efficient allocation of resources. It supports the goal of creating sustainable, resilient, and inclusive cities for current and future generations.

how can soft intensification provide real estate investment opportunities

Soft intensification can provide real estate investment opportunities in several ways:

  1. Infill Development: Soft intensification often involves utilizing vacant or underutilized spaces within existing urban areas. Real estate investors can identify such properties and acquire them for development. This could involve constructing smaller residential units, commercial spaces, or mixed-use developments that cater to the needs of the local community.
  2. Adaptive Reuse: Soft intensification promotes the adaptive reuse of older buildings. Real estate investors can acquire heritage or industrial buildings and repurpose them for residential, commercial, or cultural uses. This allows for the preservation of architectural heritage while meeting the demand for unique and character-rich spaces.
  3. Neighborhood Revitalization: Soft intensification focuses on the revitalization of existing neighborhoods. Real estate investors can identify neighborhoods with growth potential, acquire properties, and participate in the rejuvenation process. This may involve renovating existing structures, improving public spaces, and contributing to the overall enhancement of the neighborhood's appeal.
  4. Mixed-Use Developments: Soft intensification often encourages the development of mixed-use areas. Real estate investors can acquire properties or parcels of land in strategic locations and develop mixed-use projects. These projects can combine residential, commercial, and recreational spaces, providing a diverse range of investment opportunities and attracting a broader customer base.
  5. Sustainable and Innovative Projects: Soft intensification emphasizes sustainable development practices and innovative solutions. Real estate investors can focus on environmentally friendly and energy-efficient projects, such as green buildings, eco-friendly infrastructure, or smart city initiatives. These types of projects can attract environmentally conscious tenants or buyers and provide long-term investment value.
  6. Collaboration with Local Authorities: Soft intensification often involves collaboration between real estate investors and local authorities to achieve sustainable development goals. Investors can engage in public-private partnerships or participate in urban planning initiatives to contribute to the overall vision of the city. This can open up opportunities for investment in larger-scale projects or developments.
  7. Affordable Housing Initiatives: Soft intensification often includes provisions for affordable housing. Real estate investors can participate in affordable housing programs by acquiring properties or partnering with housing organizations. This can provide opportunities for socially responsible investment while meeting the demand for affordable housing in urban areas.

It's important for real estate investors to conduct thorough market research, understand local regulations and zoning requirements, and consider the needs and preferences of the target market when identifying soft intensification investment opportunities. Additionally, engaging with urban planners, community organizations, and local stakeholders can provide valuable insights and help align investments with the overall vision for sustainable urban development.

824 Gordon Street
Guelph, ON. N1G 1Y7
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